绘本故事《6-9 点读版 National Geographic kids Readers: Spiders (AR:2.8)》- 适合 8-10岁,5-7岁


绘本《6-9 点读版 National Geographic kids Readers: Spiders (AR:2.8)》,National Geographic



You don’t have to look far to see a spider’s web—in the corner of the window, on a fence, or in a bush—spiders make their homes everywhere. And there are so many kinds of spiders! Some red, some blue, yellow, and more…all fascinating. Amazing photography and easy-to-understand text makes Spiders a hit in this National Geographic Kids series.
Laura Marsh is a published author of children’s books. Published credits of Laura Marsh include Toot and Puddle: Take a Leap!, Toot and Puddle: Toot’s Tour of India.
