绘本故事《Mia and the Tiny Toe Shoes 米娅和小芭蕾舞鞋(I Can Read, My First Level) ISBN9780062086822》- 适合 5-7岁,3-4岁


绘本《Mia and the Tiny Toe Shoes 米娅和小芭蕾舞鞋(I Can Read, My First Level) ISBN9780062086822》,Harper Collins


My First I Can Read 英文原版mia系列8本套装女孩英语启蒙读物


My First ICR Mia and the Too Big Tutu

My First ICR Mia and the Dance for Two

My First ICR Mia and the Daisy Dance

My First ICR Mia and the Big Sister Ballet

My First ICR Mia and the Tiny Toe Shoes

My First ICR Mia Sets the Stage

My First ICR Mia and the Girl with a Twirl

My First ICR Mia Jazzes It Up!

1.Mia Sets the Stage

The big recital is just around the corner, and Mia has been practicing everywhere she goes! Mia twirls and leaps until—whoops! She falls and hurts her paw. Oh, no! Can Mia still be part of the show?

2.Mia and the Too Big Tutu

Mia wants to be a dancer.But her tutu won’t stay up!Can she dance in front ofher class without trippingover her tutu?

3.Mia and the Tiny Toe Shoes

Mia gets to be teacher for the day in the little girls class! But when the tiny dancers can t seem to learn the steps, Mia needs a new plan. Can Mia save the day—and the dance?

4.Mia and the Dance for Two

Mia is excited to learn a new dance. But when her best friend misses class, Mia worries about having a partner.

5.Mia and the girl with a twirl

Ballerina kitten Mia is back in a seventh I Can Read Book by Robin Farley. Adorable full-color illustrations by Olga and Aleksey Ivanov and a dance dictionary add to the fun.In Mia and the Girl with a Twirl, Mia and her friend Ruby are excited to welcome a new girl-Sara-to Miss Bird’s dance class. They try to teach her exactly how to do their dance. But Sara doesn’t do it right. She adds a new twist to every step!By watching Sara dance, Mia and her classmates eventually learn that individuality is a wonderful thing.Mia and the Girl with a Twirl is a My First I Can Read book, which means it’s perfect for reading aloud to a child.


6.Mia and the Daisy Dance

Mia and her classmates are putting on a show! But when Anna leaves class early, Mia is afraid her friend won’t learn the dance in time. Can Mia help?
