绘本故事《Spot’s First Walk [木]》- 适合


绘本《Spot’s First Walk [木]》,


Book Contents 内容简介

  Celebrate Spring with Spot and his friends in these brand-new lift-the-flap editions Kids can still lift the flaps and experience new things with Spot, but now their favorite puppy will be featured in a colorful new design. For the first time since their publication these three lift-the-flaps will have full-color covers and spines that display the titles and authors name.

About the Author 作者介绍

Eric Hill left school when he was 15, and took up cartooning while working as a messenger at an art studio. He created Wheres Spot? as a bedtime story for his two-year old son. It was published four years later, and the rest is history. Eric Hill now lives in France.







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