绘本故事《Snow White 白雪公主》- 适合 0-2岁,3-4岁


绘本《Snow White 白雪公主》,Campbell Books


BUSY系列之童话篇,熟悉的童话故事,用幼儿们熟悉的推推和拉拉的功能去设计,加上浅而易懂的文字,非常适合与幼儿们共读唷!《First Stories: Alice in Wonderland》由英国作家Charles Lutwidge Dodgso于1865年出版的儿童文学作品: 爱丽丝梦游仙境 Alice in Wonderland,今年为爱丽丝150周年纪念,Busy系列为了这个值得庆祝的日子,发行幼幼版的爱丽丝全新操作书。承袭一贯的可爱画风,用幼儿们易于明了的叙述方式,简单呈现爱丽丝的经典,让学龄前的孩子也能欣赏这永垂不朽、最具影响力的童话故事,沉浸在文学的氛围里 








In Alice’s adventures, nothing’s ever as it seems, for Wonderland is magical, beyond your wildest dreams!

First Stories: Alice in Wonderland is a perfect introduction, for young children, to Lewis Carroll’s magical story Alice in Wonderland. Push, pull and turn mechanisms bring the story to life and introduce all the main characters, Alice, the White Rabbit, the March Hare, Mad Hatter, Dormouse and of course the Queen of Hearts. Beautifully brought to life by Colonel Moutarde’s illustrations.
