绘本故事《Time For Kids: Bees!《纽约时报》儿童读物:蜜蜂!》- 适合


绘本《Time For Kids: Bees!《纽约时报》儿童读物:蜜蜂!》,Harper Collins


The editors of TIME For Kids are committed to informing millions of kids about the world and their place in it. As part of a national news organization, they bring expert and age-appropriate reporting and photography from around the globe to books, classroom magazines, and a website.

The editors of TIME For Kids are frequent visitors to classrooms all over the country. And the TFK Kid Reporters have appeared on The Today Show, CBS Morning Show, CNN, and Fox News.

TFK editors also publish the TIME For Kids Science Scoops series, giving kids the inside scoop on the world’s most fascinating topics.

The editors of TIME For Kids are committed to informing millions of kids about the world and their place in it. As part of a national news organization, they bring expert and age-appropriate reporting and photography from around the globe to books, classroom magazines, and a website.

The editors of TIME For Kids are frequent visitors to classrooms all over the country. And the TFK Kid Reporters have appeared on The Today Show, CBS Morning Show, CNN, and Fox News.

TFK editors also publish the TIME For Kids Science Scoops series, giving kids the inside scoop on the world’s most fascinating topics.


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