绘本故事《Little Princess:I Don’t Want to Go to the Hospital[精]》- 适合


绘本《Little Princess:I Don’t Want to Go to the Hospital[精]》,


Book Contents 内容简介
The Little Princess doesnt want to go to the hospital, and she does everything she can to avoid it. But when she is finally forced to go, she finds that she really rather likes it. Why? Because they treat her like a princess there!
About the Author 作者介绍
Tony Ross was born in London in 1938. His dream was to work withhorses but instead he went to art college in Liverpool. Since then,Tony has worked as an art director at an advertising agency, agraphic designer, a cartoonist, a teacher and a film maker — aswell as illustrating over 250 books!
Illustrations 书摘与插画



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