绘本故事《My Name is Stilton Geronimo Stilton-Geronimo Stilton 19》- 适合 11-14岁,8-10岁


绘本《My Name is Stilton Geronimo Stilton-Geronimo Stilton 19》,Scholastic


Have you met my very young assistant editor, Pinky Pick? She is only thirteen years old, but she is one of the cleverest mice I’ve ever known. If you’ve ever wondered how Pinky came to work for me at The Rodent’s Gazette, this is the book for you! It’s a looooong story… and one that’s full of adventure, laughs, and of course, like all of my books, lots of embarrassing moments for yours truly!

Geronimo Stilton was born in New Mouse City, Mouse Island. He is Rattus Emeritus of Mousomorphic Literature and Neo-Ratonic Comparative Philosophy. In his spare time, Mr. Stilton collects antique cheese rinds and plays golf. But what he most enjoys is telling stories to his nephew Benjamin.