绘本故事《In the Tall Tall Grass 高高的草丛 1992年波士顿环球报号角书奖》- 适合 3-4岁


绘本《In the Tall Tall Grass 高高的草丛 1992年波士顿环球报号角书奖》,Macmillan



In The Tall, Tall Grass这本书的AR等级是1.6,这本绘本比较简单,读起来也非常的有韵律,展现了高高的草丛中各种生物生活的场景。


If you were a fuzzy caterpillar crawling through the tall, tall grass on a sunny afternoon, what would you see?

To find out, just follow the tiny tour guide as he inches his way through the pages of this book. You’ll see ants and bees and birds–hip-hopping bunnies too. You’ll even hear the sounds some of them make.

Crunch, munch,

caterpillars lunch…

Crack, snap, wings flap…

Beginning as the sun is high in the sky and ending as fireflies blink and the moon rises above, this backyard tour is one no child will want to miss.
