绘本故事《Going to the Sea Park-Little Critter(I Can Read,My Fist Level)》- 适合5-7岁,英语启蒙


绘本《Going to the Sea Park-Little Critter(I Can Read,My Fist Level)》,HarperCollins


Little Critter is going on a class trip! 

There isn’t a dull moment when Little Critter? and his classmates go on a trip to the Sea Park! They see and learn about exciting and strange sea creatures—from crabs and octopuses to whales and sharks. A day at the Sea Park proves to be full of fun and adventure. 

Going to the Sea Park is a story with simple, easy-to-read text—ideal for emergent readers who want to join Little Critter on a day of under-the-sea delight.

Little Critter 是作者Mercer Mayer所创造的图画书主角。从 1966 年至今已经累计百本以上的作品,陪伴无数小朋友成长; Little Critter 是家中的老大,个性活泼友善,也和所有的小朋友一样:一方面乖巧懂事、另一方面又顽皮好动,让爸妈伤脑筋;这些故事以第一人称叙述,除了故事逗趣生动之外,句型也相當简单易懂,不仅可以引发小朋友们的共鸣和认同感,也能从中学习简单的英文单词和句型,非常适合学龄前的孩子阅读。

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