绘本故事《My Weirder School #4: Mr. Burke Is Berserk!》- 适合 11-14岁,8-10岁


绘本《My Weirder School #4: Mr. Burke Is Berserk!》,Harper Collins


My Weirder School weirder than ever!

Mr. Burke cuts the grass, trims the bushes, and does the landscaping around Ella Mentry School. He wants to have a corn maze on the baseball diamond and drag races with his riding mower. What’s up with the crop circles in the soccer field? And what did he bury under the monkey bars?

Dan Gutman is the author of many fantastic books for young readers. Besides his popular Baseball Card Adven-tures and My Weird School series, he has written about soccer, basketball, bowling, and aliens. When he is not writing books, Dan is very often visiting a school. Thanks to his many fans who voted in their classrooms, he has received fifteen state book awards and thirty-seven book award nominations. Dan lives in Haddonfield, New Jersey, with his wife, Nina, and their two children, Sam and Emma.
