绘本故事《The Finger-Eater》- 适合 8-10岁


绘本《The Finger-Eater》,Walker Books


A funny and fantastical adventure story featuring a finger-eating troll and a very determined heroine, from one of the world’s favourite children’s authors. Dick King-Smith, the much-loved author of Babe, spins a hilarious cautionary tale perfect for readers aged 5+. Featuring black and white illustrations by Arthur Robins, this is a classic story that will delight both parent and child. Long ago, in the cold lands of the North, there lived a troll named Ulf who had a very bad habit – he liked to eat fingers! Many, many men, women and children had found their hands a finger short thanks to the razor-sharp teeth of the Finger-eater. And who knows how many more might have suffered the same fate if it hadn’t been for the actions of a resolute girl called Gudrun!

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