绘本故事《May I Bring a Friend? 我可以带一个朋友过来吗?(凯迪克金奖)》- 适合 5-7岁


绘本《May I Bring a Friend? 我可以带一个朋友过来吗?(凯迪克金奖)》,Simon


有一天,一个小男孩收到一个非常特殊的邀请 – 国王和王后邀请他到城堡的茶。他接受了,但有一个问题:“我可以带个朋友?”



Winner of the Caldecott Medal

One day, a small boy receives a very specialinvitation — the King and the Queen have invited him to the castlefor tea. He accepts, with one question: “May I bring a friend?”

“Any friend of our friend is welcome her,”says the King. But their guest’s friend turns out to be someonethey never expected!

Beatrice Schenk de Regniers’s rhythmic textand the fantastical, jewellike artwork of Beni Montresor have madethis book a favorite for more than twenty-five years.