绘本故事《Tree: A Peek-Through Picture Book》- 适合 3-4岁,5-7岁,8-10岁


绘本《Tree: A Peek-Through Picture Book》,Penguin


Through a hole in the book’s cover, an owl invites you inside to meet a majestic tree and all its forest inhabitants during the changing seasons. With clever peekaboo holes throughout, each page reveals a new set of animals playing and living in the tree—baby bears frolicking in the spring, bees buzzing around apples in the summer, squirrels storing nuts in the fall, and finally the lone owl keeping warm during the winter chill—until another year begins. . . .
Children will love seeing a new set of animals appear and then disappear as each page is turned, and along the way they’ll learn about the seasons and how a forest and its inhabitants change throughout the year.

“Adult readers will relish guiding their little ones into lessons about the seasons, colors, wildlife, and more. This unassuming story is an intergenerational delight.”Kirkus Reviews

“Ideal for sharing up close, where little ones can get a good look at the pictures, this gentle, easy-to-memorize story of the seasons is a great fit for bedtime.”—Booklist

“A playful yet focused look at constancy and change within a specific natural setting.”—Publishers Weekly
BRITTA TECKENTRUP has written and illustrated over seventy children’s books, which have been published in over twenty countries. Her books include Big Smelly Bear, Grumpy Cat, and The Odd One Out, as well as Tree: A Peek-Through Picture Book. Born in Hamburg, Germany, and educated in London at St Martin’s College and the Royal College of Art, she currently lives with her family in Berlin.,,