绘本故事《Junie B. Jones is Captain Field Day野外活动日队长琼斯》- 适合8-10岁,11-14岁,英文绘本


绘本《Junie B. Jones is Captain Field Day野外活动日队长琼斯》,Penguin Random House


Junie B. Jones’s kindergarten teacher has some strange ideas
about field day: “Field Day is a day to run around in the fresh air
and enjoy the sunshine. We came out here to have fun and get some
exercise. And we’re not going to care one little bit about who wins
or who loses.” Only what’s so fun about losing? That’s what Junie
B. wants to know. In the great contest between room 8 and room 9,
somehow, room 8 keeps winning all the events. As Captain Field Day
of room 9, Junie B. is feeling her superpowers–and her good
sportsmanship–slipping away. Can anyone save the day?
For beginning chapter-book readers, Junie B. Jones always saves the
day. As in Junie B. Jones Has a Peep in Her Pocket, Junie B. Jones
and Some Sneaky Peeky Spying, and the many other titles in Barbara
Park’s series, Junie B.’s inimitable style wins her friends and
fans everywhere. Denise Brunkus’s comical, expressive drawings
capture all the joys and foibles of kindergarten life. With
occasional “big” words (like slumped, sarcastic, and apparently)
and Junie B.’s grammatical curiosities, this witty book works best
as a classroom read-aloud. (Ages 5 to 8)
–Emilie Coulter

Book Description

Afternoon kindergarten is having a field day, and Junie B.
Jones is team captain! Only, here’s the problem. Room Eight keeps
on winning too many events. And so how will Room Nine ever become
the kindergarten champions? As Captain Field Day, will Junie B.
find a way to lead her team to victory? Or will it be up to someone
else to save the day?

Book Dimension
Height (mm) 195 Width (mm) 130